

1.    Wolfdogs attack and kill.  Wolfdogs do attack and kill.  From 1979 to 1996 there have been 14 cases of fatalities caused by wolfdogs.  Compared to other breeds this is extremely low.  Take care of your wolfdog responsibly to prevent any more injuries/fatalities.  In most cases the fatality was caused by irresponsible ownership and/or lack of parental supervision.  Please, do not leave any large breed of dog alone with a small child.

2.    Wolfdogs can never be trained.  Wolfdogs can be trained.  It takes patience.  You must show your wolfdog love, be gentle and kind while training.  You don't want to make you animal obey out of fear.  You want him/her to obey you out of love.  Be firm when working with your wolfdog.  He needs to see you as his/her alpha.

3.    Wolfdogs have only amber colored eyes.  False.  Remember that a wolfdog is a cross between a wolf and a dog.  The dog in the wolf may cause some wolfdogs to have blue eyes, etc.

4.    Wolfdogs mate only once a year.  False.  Once again remember that a wolfdog is a cross between a wolf and a dog.  

5.    A black spot on the tail indicates wolf.  False.  This is the precaudle gland (the scent mark).  It has nothing to do with its heritage.  This mark is simply an indication of where the scent gland on the tail is located.

6.    Wolfdogs have to be fed rawmeat.  False.  Wolfdogs do need a high quality meat based dog food.  In addition to this I feed mine minced vegetables.  Raw meat does have it's benefits but it is not a necessity.

7.    Wolfdogs make good guard dogs.  False!  Wolfdogs are shy by nature and hate confrontation.  They will NOT guard your home.  They may bark but that is more from them being nervous of the unknown than anything else.



Dog Bites
Not a pleasant subject but one that needs to be addressed.  Size and breeding have nothing to do with a dog's potential to bite.  Any dog may bite if provoked.  Dogs bite over 4 million people every year.  70% of dog bites occur when the dog is on the owners property.  60% of dog bites happen to children.  The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals suggests the following:

*Ask the owner's permission before you approach or pet a strange dog, whether it is on a leash or on the other side of a fence.

*Before you pet a dog, extend your hand so that he may sniff you.

*Do not EVER leave a young child alone with a dog.

*Do not approach a mother dog that is nursing her pups or one that is eating.

*Do not try to outrun a dog and do not scream at a dog.  Some experts recommend standing still and averting your eyes.  

*Back away from the dog and assure a safe distance before turning your back.  Do not run.   

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